R.E.S.I.L.I.E.N.T. Rho Class
Class: Spring 2021
Class Dad: Alejandro Perez
Program Educator: Sean Kim
Captain: Pranit Cheikycharla
Anchor: Tyler Andrle

Pranit Cheikycharla

Ethnicity: Indian
Major: Computer Engineering

Big Brother: Resurreccion Michael Ello Lawson
Little Brother: Gabriel Jacob

It is an honor that I am able to bring my strengths to a diverse fraternity with a rich history. A big thank you to my class dad and program educator, the active house, my big brother Rex and my LB.

“The Hardest Choices Require The Strongest Wills.” – Thanos


Tyler Andrle

Ethnicity: Korean
Major: English

Big Brother: Quan Pham
Little Brother: Caleb Yin

Joining KPiB, I wanted to get out of my comfort zone. I found the courage that I couldn’t find my freshman year and KPiB helped me discover it. I am very thankful for my big, my class dad, my program educator and my line bro. I wouldn’t be here if not for any of them.

“Everything happens for a reason.” -Aristotle
